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Ouders met kinderen die het even niet zien zitten

The Origin Story - Recognizing and Healing Our Triggers


👉🏼 part 1: make your own mantras: the power of our thoughts What are our (unconscious) beliefs about the situation, our child, the behavior Our thinking strongly influences how we feel and therefore how we react! The more aware we can become of our thinking, the more we can freely choose how we will react! The 3 reasons behind behavior in children and in parents, from the Aware Parenting vision. 👉🏼 part 2: lovingly responding to yourself & recovery What if you once reacted in a way you would rather not have, or did not do something that you regret. 1: How can you lovingly respond to yourself and say goodbye to your guilt! 2: How to heal with your child do's and don'ts of apologizing and play to heal the deeper layers of the rift 👉🏼 part 3: prevent triggers - Fill/ Empty your own cup (our needs) Which needs of ours are the cause of our behavior? (3 reasons to repeat) Recognize our needs and see the link with our behavior! Choose ourselves and our needs! The above is available in REPLAY

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