Aware Parenting
"Behavior is not random. All behavior meets a need." Aletha Solter
Aware parenting a revolutionary educational philosophy:
Aware Parenting has the potential to transform the world by challenging traditional approaches to child rearing and offering a novel approach that can profoundly change the relationship between parents and children. Based on the latest research on child development, it aims to raise children who are intelligent, empathetic, competent, non-violent, and free from addictions.
The Three Core Principles of Aware Parenting:
Attachment-Promoting Parenting:
Natural Birth and Early Bonding: Bonding begins at birth and is further strengthened by plenty of physical contact and prolonged on-demand breastfeeding.
Direct attention to crying: Responsiveness to crying and sensitive attunement to the infant are crucial for strong attachment.
Democratic Discipline:
No Punishment or Reward: Avoiding punishments, such as hitting or time-outs, and forgoing rewards or bribes. Instead, the focus is on understanding the underlying needs and feelings.
Nonviolent conflict management: Using techniques such as family consultation and mediation, and managing anger as a parent.
Recovery from Stress and Trauma:
Recognition of Stress and Trauma: Recognizing the role of stress and trauma as a basis for behavioral and emotional problems, and emphasizing prevention and the healing effect of crying, play, and laughter in a loving relationship.
About Aletha Solter:
Aletha Solter, Ph.D., is a developmental psychologist, international speaker, consultant, and founder of the Aware Parenting Institute. Her work has been translated into many languages, and she is recognized worldwide as an expert in attachment, trauma, and nonpunitive discipline.
Aware Parenting offers a deep and loving approach that not only improves the parent-child relationship, but also helps children develop into strong, empathetic individuals.

My mission is to guide parents and children to a place where everyone feels truly at home. I help parents rediscover their own authentic selves, so that they can provide a safe and warm environment for their children. In this way, children can maintain and grow their own unique selves. Together we create an environment full of love and true connection, where everyone can flourish
I want to contribute to a world where parents and children are fully connected to their authentic selves and live in the here and now. We strive for a future where parents do not have to choose between caring for their children and meeting their own needs. By approaching situations with understanding of what is really going on and addressing the core, we want to help parents see beyond the idea that "it's a phase that is holding me back". We see a society where every family flourishes in harmony, with a strong foundation of mutual understanding, loving support, and the freedom to grow and enjoy life.