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Aware Selfcare - self-care reinvented


Not just any self-care, but tailored self-care. Tailored to you and your needs. No more guesswork, with random tips and tricks. In this workshop we go into depth. We map out where you are now and what you are missing, only when we are connected to ourselves and our body can we start to feel, know what it is exactly that we need! Together we go through the exercises and I will give you practical tools to get started with yourself! The most valuable thing we as parents can do for our children is to take good care of ourselves! This way we can show up as the parent we want to be! This workshop is a nice addition to The Origin Story but is completely separate. PRACTICAL 🦋Part 1 👉🏼 What is self-care (and what is not!) and why is it so difficult? 👉🏼 Why is self-care important and what can be the effect? 🦋part 2 👉🏼 What are my desires & my needs? Practical tools to reconnect with your body/your inner compass. 🦋Part 3 👉🏼 How do I communicate my needs & how do I fulfill them? Bonus: How to express your feelings in a healthy way, even when your children are around! Practical tools + examples Can you feel it yet? This is truly self-care reinvented!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From €33.00/month


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